How to stop snoring
Snoring is essentially the movement of too much air over the loose tissue at the back of the throat, causing it to rattle. Usually accompanied by open mouth breathing. It perpetuates the loss of C02 and maintains the dysfunctional breathing pattern. In many cases, teaching the person to reduce the breathing volume and to sleep with closed mouth virtually eliminates the problem.
Central Sleep Apnea
Chronic hyperventilation is linked to sleep apnea
During NREM sleep breathing is regulated by CO2 pressure
A person who snores is exhaling excessive amount of CO2 and disrupting the pH (too alkaline)
When CO2 levels are below a critical level apnea occurs
The ensuing breath is a large gasp and this lowers the C02 levels again to a danger point
How Buteyko Helps:
Once your breathing becomes quite, gentle, calm, relaxed and easy, there would be less snoring sound and less negative pressure on the airways to close (OSA)
Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)
OSA is caused by inflammation and closing of the upper airways
It is the strong breathing that causes the upper airways to collapse (like sucking thick milkshake from a straw too hard)
Normalizing (decreasing) the breathing will decrease the collapsibility